Registration with ScreenSafe

NB: This area of the Screen Safe website is currently under construction. An outline and overview of the intended Registration and Incident Reporting functionality is provided in this section.

Registration with ScreenSafe can occur at two levels, a Screen Worker level, and a Production level.

Example of Login Page

Registering as a Screen Worker

By creating an account, screen workers can conveniently store all their safety training credentials, certifications, and any specialist safety experience including their current CV in one personalised registration profile.

This not only streamlines the process of managing and accessing important documents but also enhances visibility within the industry.

A Screen Worker Registration Form gathers basic information including:

  • Screen Worker Name
  • email address
  • contact details
  • Primary Department & Role
  • Years in industry
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Q. Do you work as a Crew Rep?
  • Q. Would you like to make your profile visible in the Registration Look-up?

Once registration is complete, a ScreenSafe Screen Worker Registration Number is issued which can be provided to a potential engager for ease of reference to safety credentials or for logging in.

All other added information is loaded by the screen worker via their Profile Dashboard and remains confidential unless a choice is made to share the information with ScreenSafe.

Sharing Profile Overview:

Registered users become searchable for projects seeking screen workers with specific safety experience or qualifications by clicking a checkbox inside their profile area, increasing their opportunities for employment and networking within the field.

Screen Workers can also share their profile with any potential engager via a read-only link to provide an overview or to confirm their screen credentials.

Data Security:

We use services that are SOC2 Type 2 compliant. This is an important security policy when handling sensitive customer data.

All customer data is encrypted at rest with AES-256 and in transit via TLS. Sensitive information like access tokens and keys are encrypted at the application level before they are stored in the database.

Commitment to H&S Standards:

Additionally, maintaining an up-to-date profile on ScreenSafe demonstrates a commitment to safety standards, professionalism, and industry compliance, further strengthening a screen workers reputation and credibility as a reliable and qualified addition to the team.

Example of ScreenSafe Dashboard for Screen Workers

Example of Registration information provided to Screen Workers on the website.

example of a screen worker registration number

Registering as a Production

Registering your production on the ScreenSafe website is a crucial decision that ensures smooth communication and accountability within your production management team, especially under the new SIWA laws. ‍

The Production Registration form gathers basic information at signup including:

  • Production name
  • Production Company Name
  • Dates of pre-prod, production and wrap
  • Contact person details & role
  • Production Office Address
  • Basic production information ie: production type, locality status, long or short form etc
  • A list of the Producers
  • The names of the Crew Reps
  • The name of the H&S Manager

Once registration is complete, a ScreenSafe Production Registration Number is issued which can be displayed on the call sheet with a ScreenSafe seal or for ease of future reference and log-in.

Compulsory Safety Training:

Selected ScreenSafe Safety Modules will become compulsory to complete and linked to the screen worker's profile. A reminder banner displays inside the screen worker profile after login, and will remain visible until the modules have been completed. Certificates are automatically logged in the user profile on completion of each module.

All other added information is loaded by the production via their Production Profile Dashboard and remains at the production level unless a choice is made to share the information with ScreenSafe.

Data Security:

Data security is certified as fully compliant with the PCI DSS. The PCI DSS covers 12 major categories of information security, including network design, data storage, intrusion monitoring and the use of security-aware IT policies.

Example of a Production Registration Number

Example of a Production Profile Dashboard

Safety support under SIWA

Engagers are now responsible for adequate resolution of any issues or incidents that may arise during filming, and so by registering, productions facilitate the transfer of valuable information up the hierarchy chain so producers can be fully informed.

Often, incidents go unreported at the producer level due to crew members' reluctance to escalate concerns. This can result in a breakdown of essential information transfer to the responsible party, leaving potential risks unaddressed.

With registration, productions establish login credentials for crew such as the Safety Manager, Crew Representative, Production Managers and Producers, allowing for online reporting of any incidents that occur during production. Producers can access this information at any time and evaluate problem areas to ensure they are adequately resolved, mitigating the risk of legal penalties.

Furthermore, registration showcases your production's commitment to health and safety standards.

The Benefits of Registering as a Production:

Incident Reporting:

ScreenSafe's online Incident Reporting provides local and international productions with a formal process of H&S record keeping that aligns with the New Zealand Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. The online forms allow instant reporting of any areas of issue that may arise. Incidents can include situations such as:

  • Near Misses
  • Incidents that halt operations
  • Incident investigations
  • Illness or Injury - serious or minor
  • Register of Safety Hazards
  • Bullying or Harassment
  • Serious Complaints

Storage of all Document Subsidiaries to the Crew Contract:

Productions can upload all relevant policies and procedures, such as those addressing bullying, harassment, and codes of conduct and any other documents that support your crew contracts. These could include:

  • H&S Policy
  • Bullying and Harassment Policy
  • Bullying and Harassment - Method for Raising and Responding to Complaints
  • Production Code of Conduct
  • Disputes Resolution Process and Procedure
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Vehicle Usage Policy
  • Non-Disclosure Policy
  • Copy of Crew Contract

The area within the Production Profile where these policy and procedural documents are stored can be gathered easily within a single link and shared with the production crew to ensure all crew receive copies of important annexes to their contracts, as required by the SIWA law to avoid penalties.

Save ScreenSafe H&S Safety Guidelines directly into a Production Profile:

When a production has registered, they can save any relevant ScreenSafe Safety Guidelines found in the Guidelines section directly into their production profile, create a link to the collection and share with their contacted crew. This saves the time and repetition of browsing the guidelines, allows for each production to personalise each production they work on and to pro-actively share any identified areas of safety consideration with crew ensuring they are fully informed of any recommended safety reading.

Information Storage:

All information stored within a production registration profile remains at the production level unless you choose to share your information with ScreenSafe by selecting the “share with ScreenSafe” button found inside the production profile. ‍


By taking this proactive step, productions not only enhance safety protocols but also demonstrate your dedication to maintaining a safe and respectful working environment for all involved in your production.

Incident Reporting:

A universal Incident Report form is being developed which includes smart automation allowing the form submitter to tailer the form to each specific category of incident and required content fields.

Once a report has been filed to a production profile, it is given an Incident Report Number generated by ScreenSafe. Reports once created can be updated and edited by approved personnel or account administrators as incidents progress and resolutions are developed.

A quick-view Incident Report Summary is available for download from the Production Dashboard. This provides less detailed information and allows Producers to rapidly view the number of incidents that have been reported and whether the incidents have been deemed as resolved or are still active.

An example of the informational page is shown below.

Example of information provided around Incident Reporting

Example of an Incident Report Number and confirmation of filing.

If you have any queries regarding this section, please email and cc

Thank you.